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Do I Really Learn With Online Education?

Do I Really Learn With Online Education?

How does the learning process progress with online education? What is the difference of online education with face-to-face education, is it efficient enough? What about the evaluation process? While the whole world is struggling with the epidemic, education should continue. The only method to answer this need seems to be online education. So, are the opportunities to access these trainings equal for everyone, does everyone have internet access at home? Or is every educator equipped to do this? How functional is online education for certificate programs? Let’s take a look at the processes that are carried out effectively with online education.

Technologies used in online education

«Do I sound, is the image clear? »,« Where was the message box? »,« Does my hair look straight? »,« Where are the students muted? »… For the first time, the trainers who have been dealing with such communication platforms had some difficulties at first. The first thing they did was to find what was on the screen by tampering. We can admit that they were caught a little offhand. Still, they found a way to transfer their love to us, without warm hugs.

The value of face-to-face and experiential learning is, of course, completely different. What happens today shows that we need to know the ways to use technology more and more effectively. Of course, the first aim of all teachers is to provide more benefits to their students. For this, they need to follow the changes in their fields and develop themselves in this direction. “Knowing something is a skill, it is also a skill to teach it,” said M. T. Cicero. Perhaps this epidemic is a door for us to keep up with the digital age. Who knows…

According to a study1, 77% of educators believe that online education is as good as traditional education. In addition, 70% of students claim that online explanations are better than classroom conditions. According to this research; both parties are willing to do this.

Web tools and platforms used in online education often enable more effective education. Live lessons, group works, brainstorms that progress in the form of questions and answers may be more beneficial than face-to-face education. Students can also use all digital facilities. They can record audio, interview, shoot video and upload it to the platform. With the screen sharing feature, narratives can become more interactive. Documents that can be read after live broadcasting with file shares can support education. Or, the course contents can be shared in advance and reinforced with live lessons.

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Achievements of online trainings

It is perhaps the biggest achievement that the time and place restrictions are removed in online education. Conveniences such as the fact that the lessons can be watched later and accessibility to the lecture notes provide benefits for both the student and the instructor. You can even watch over and over again the place you missed or understood.

The possibility of asking questions by participating in live classes online can be more educational. We also get in touch with those who have received the same training. In fact, we may also satisfy our socialization side at that moment. You may find yourself laughing during a live broadcast. And if you take your coffee with you, it is like you are at a friends meeting…

This period, when the online education system was implemented, actually saved us time. The process, which continues in the classroom for many education, can continue while cooking in the home environment. This provided a development process that could continue in parallel with what should be done at home. Perhaps housewives may feel better now.

Online training may increase comprehensibility and may have broken the boring instructor pattern a bit. We witnessed primary school teachers dancing with the children on the screen at the same time. What a beautiful synergy was created… Of course, it was also fun for children who constantly communicate with a virtual teacher via tablet or computer.

Online training, which is implemented by different educational institutions, aims to specialize in a particular area. For those who want to have a certificate, this period has actually turned into an opportunity. We can participate in trainings on any subject and have knowledge in different areas.

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The differences of online education from face to face education

The children who set out to go to school at a certain time and return when the school time ends, are at home during this period. It should be considered that education does not only consist of curriculum, but also gains such as discipline, socialization and communication skills. In this case, only the word “sending to school” is already insufficient. So how do children who don’t go to school make these gains? Unfortunately, all the projects of children and teachers diagnosed with attention disorder and hyperactivity in the classroom have been left unfinished. The content must be very interesting in order to keep these kids on the screen at the live lessons.

The same is true in the training for adults. If you want your educational institution to survive, you should produce better content. You should create platforms that provide more fun and socialization. Maybe you just need to open a chat panel and leave the group on their own…

In addition, there may be insufficient training for regions that do not have equal opportunities. They will be subjected to the same exam, but the benefits of children obliged to work in the field should be questioned. The same gains cannot be achieved for children who receive distance education only on television simultaneously without a tablet or computer at home. If the course content has not been delivered to these deprivation areas, it means that there is a great injustice already. How can we achieve online education with those who do not have a tablet or a computer at home?

The education of students will be completed this year somehow without social, cultural and sports activities. They will pass the class in some way and even graduate by taking the passing exams. Adults will also break new ground in their personal development by making certificate collections in their homes. Online education, live lesson or interactive platform… Regardless of the name, face-to-face education providing one-to-one communication will of course not replace it. But somehow our freedom of education continues. Education programs, which have become interesting with online education, seem to continue in the future.

Let’s stay healthy and also educated.



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