I Have Nothing To Wear / Wardrobe Cleaning
Why do we all complain that we have nothing to wear? Do we really have nothing to wear? How many clothes in your wardrobe? 50? 500? 5000? We can’t find anything to wear when we have to go to work, for dinner, to meet friends or an invitation. We spend hours in front of the wardrobe.

Sometimes the plurality of options causes uncertainty. You may not have seen a man for hours thinking about what to wear in front of his wardrobe. This is because they don’t have enough options to think about. No dress, no skirt, even no jumpsuit. Only pants, shorts, shirt and t-shirt. I’m generalizing. We are also not as limited in terms of colors much as men. We can wear every known shade of every color on earth. That’s why we have trouble making decisions. Even if we choose what to wear, we are then faced with the decision of shoes, bag and accessories. When you can’t find the appropriate bag or shoes for your clothes, you end up changing your entire outfit. Certainly we have more choices than men also in this subject. Sometimes the hairstyle you want to do, even the shade of your makeup, will affect what you wear.

We need to focus on buying what we need more than what we want, and things we will actually wear in order to avoid wasting time and saying “I have nothing to wear”. And we have to do wardrobe cleaning to eliminate this mess. We need to separate all the clothes we don’t wear. The clothes that make us think ‘maybe I will wear this one day’ only end up taking up space. The clothes that we don’t wear we can donate to those who are in need. Take away the clothes waiting to go to the tailor. You can add a new mood by making small changes to your boring clothes. You can organize your wardrobe by color or hang your business clothes on the right and put the casual clothes on the bottom shelf. Maybe try to organize your clothes by hanging together the pieces to want to wear as a combo. Hang the red jacket you wear with your blue dress on the same hanger. This will help you save time.