How pandemic days will affect our wardrobes?
The Corona Virus affects many factories and also textile factories that are shutting down or closing stores and cancelling orders in Europe and Asia. How many factories will still be at work after the crisis has passed and will have a workforce to restart production? It is a big question..
And also what about the consumer side? Different processes also affected consumption habits. We live in a socio-economic order in which consumption has become a lifestyle, mode of existence, mood, and ideology. Can it change? The changes may be significant enough to support transformation in the long turn.

The pandemic days made us realize once again the fact that we must live in harmony with nature. It is foreseen that products made from natural materials and which do not harm the nature will be in fashion.
After the economic crisis, some of the society will adopt the principle of spending less. It may be thought that consumers will receive more economical clothes, and even transform their clothes at home. Perhaps, instead of purchasing from the shops in the shopping centers, onlines shopping may be a preferred method.
Outfits made from simple materials that we can provide hygiene more easily will be more fashionable. Even “easy-to-wash” fabrics that do not require ironing can be preferred to those with a label “dry cleaning”.
By the way a large part of the society is depressed. We will start wearing more colorful to overcome this mood. Even the habit of dressing in colors suitable for the masks has already occurred.
Regardless, fashion will always continue to be in our lives. Because fashion is a way for us to prove ourselves to society!