Those who know the value of handmade jewelry free the designer!
Many jewelry designs that have appeared recently with hand labor adorn the catwalks. Many handmade jewelry will continue beyond 2020.
We hold an interview with Pınar Dağlıoğlu Akgün who is the designer and owner of Hobilibal Handmade Jewelry (instagram @hobilibal) We talked about today’s jewelry trends. We thank her for a pleasant conversation and wish success.

- E : Can you introduce yourself to us? Who is Pınar Dağlıoğlu Akgün?
- P : I was born in Mersin, Turkey. I living in Istanbul now. Apart from my academic education, I always had a hobby in every period of my life. Sometimes I designed it Just for pleasure sometimes I turned my hobby into work. I cut and cut in my high school years, I made and sold handmade jewelry in my university years… Years later , I started again with sugar paste figures. The plague of the era consumption frenzy showed that all labor went to the stomach or trash, and it created anxiety to produce something longer lasting. So I discovered the polymer clay 2012 and I founded HOBİLİBAL. I also studied jewelry arts for 3 years and I still continuing. As a result, I reached to my handmade jewelry portfolio today .
- E : Do you try to appeal to different tastes while designing jewelry? Or are you just revealing your own taste?
- P : In the beginning I was just doing things in my own style. I started to create different styles when customized orders come. I ‘m completely free when designing something new. Those who know the value of handmade jewelry frees the designer!

- E : How do you describe your style?
- P : I have colorful, fun and humorous style. I am a maximalist designer even though I like minimalist jewelry very much. The same time I also like to blend the classic with modern updates.

- E : What do you think jewelry trends will be in the coming period?
- P : 2020 started as a year in which all fashion jewelry styles can be mixed. Pearl and staples chokers; resin and transparent materials earrings; chandelier earrings ;stone and chain neon necklaces and even like childish vintage bracelets. I think the pandemic process we are going through will effect jewelry fashion closely. Braver ,more impressive but at the same time uncomfortable style a waits us. For example do it yourself project jewelry made of us waste or parts reflecting the space age. With the effect of this ultra modernism and longing for the past ; we can say that modern retro style is coming.

- E: Anything else you want to say to “allthego” followers?
- P : Jewelry is a signature that gives hint about a person’s tastes, character, personality and even daily mood. Wish you signatures that leave a mark…