Gardening and Return to Nature
There is a new trend that many of us have been curious about in recent years with the idea of increasing interest in healthy life and return to nature. Gardening!

Of course we don’t all have a garden. But you may have heard it’s called city gardening or balcony gardening. The closest followers of this trend, especially those living in crowded cities and apartments. Because they are ones who are most overwhelmed by the pile of concrete and polluted air and are the ones who miss nature.

Also gardening is a great way to escape stress. Another reason for the trend is that people want to consume healthy and reliable foods that they grow. People began to grow plants on the handrails of windows and balconies.

It is up to us which plant to grow. What do you like? Strawberry, tomato, pepper maybe mint or basil? İmagine making your pesto souse with basil that you picked from your small garden. We can make our salads with the fruit, vegetables and greens we growed ourselves.

Perhaps you will grow colorful and fragrant flowers that will make your home more beautiful. Cyclamen, hibiscus, aloe vera, kalanchoe(flaming katy), cactus… Especially aloe vera is preffered in recent years due to its many benefits and uses. This is a miraculous plant that can be used in anything from face, hair and skin mask to wound treatment.

Certainly each plant’s wishes and needs are different. Some love the breeze some want plenty of sun and others don’t like to be watered too much. You should consider your climate.

This deal wants some knowledge and labor. But don’t be afraid. If you are just starting out you can start with an easy-care plant. Believe me, with time you will want to grow more plants and make room for new flower pots in your home. Because it is exciting to see a plant that you grow to bloom and bear fruit. You will find yourself talking to them and you will not understand how time passes.

This is also a refreshing recipe that is very simple and wonderful from me:
Purple Basil Sherbet:
1 bunch of purple basil,
2 lt boiling water,
3/4 cup of sugar,
juice of ½ lemon,
5 cloves,
2 sticks of cinnamon
Wash and strain purple basil,
Take the purple basil in a pot and add to the boiled water.
Add sugar, lemon juice, cloves and cinnamon sticks.
Stir, close the lid and allow to cool.
You can drink cold after draining.
Bon appetit…