Why do we always have a desire for adventure?
Adventure is always a desire… We all complain about overworking and feeling ordinary. The boring life we live in, work environments, family relationships, friendships… All of these might lead us to adventure? Or does our body need adventure? Could adrenaline have a finger in this business? Let’s analyze all the options.
Adrenaline Junkie
Adrenaline is a hormone secreted in our body. The task of this hormone in nature is to prepare the organism for emergency action. As soon as you go out of your comfort zone, adrenaline begins to be secreted from your body. For example, when bungee jumping or mountain biking, the body is full of adrenaline. If you have a compulsive desire for excitement and adventure, you are called as an : Adrenaline junkieWith adrenaline, the heart beats faster. Blood flow to the brain and muscles increases and uses sugar as fuel. And here we finally reach the happiness hormone: Endorphine … Endorphine creates a fluctuation in energy and makes it feel alive. May be the happiness is making us junkie for adventure…

Courage is a must
They sold everything and explored the world!” the news excites us all. It decorates our dreams while lying on our sofa. So why is our life still the same? How are we different from those who fulfill their dreams? The first answer that comes to mind is “money”… and of course a little “courage”…
Maybe the money problem can be solved. maybe the money problem can be solved. In this case, only “courage” remains. The world tour can be a big dream. But it is more realistic to set off by drawing small route.
Adventure Is Good For Your Body
Do you know that travel is good for out health and its scientifically proven. Traveling regularly; reduces the risk of heart attack and stress. It also prevents depression and provides a more positive thinking structure. It increases creativity and even regulates your human relationships. Having a holiday with family or friends strengthens relationships and keeps memories alive and beautiful.
Michigan State University did a study proving that looking at “blue areas” improved psychology, so we have another reason to go to the seaside.1
Outdoor activities can prevent and even treat a wide range of health problems. Doctors all over the world are prescribing “open air” prescriptions for conditions ranging from heart disease to obesity to lack of attention.
Continuing adventures increases your “uncertainty tolerance”. You prepare yourself for situations where everything doesn’t go as planned. So you learn to deal with the uncertainties in life.

Of course, the instinct to know what is outside the world we live in has played a major role in human progress. This is predictable if the immigrant tribes are considered. We still carry the same instinct in our DNA. Aristotle says that “all men suppose what is called wisdom (sophia) to deal with the first causes (aitia) and the principles (archai) of things” at the beginning of Metaphysics A1.
Discovering new places is truly incredible. It is a very different feeling to see the landscape that you always see in the internet with your own eyes. There are many places to discover, many experiences to live… Can you be born again?
Follow your dreams!
You have to get out of your warm bed in the morning. Because you will either go to work, or your child has awakened. But what if you are now at a seaside or in a magnificent lake view?
Of course, your child will wake you up again… but you will probably answer more positive… So nothing is changing… Take your child with you and go on an adventure!
As Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Be happier
Be more healthy