Don’t Be Afraid To Reveal Your Own Style
In this article, our guest is designer Larisa Soyuince, who does her own work from home. She has chosen a life in nature. When her jewelry attracted attention, she started to reach her customers from her account. We thank her for spending time with us.
A: Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you started this business?
L: I am 26 years old and have a son. I am a second year student in the sociology department. Dealing with soil and gardening works gives me peace and happiness. Another hobby that makes me happy is to design jewelry. My jewelry hobby started at a very young age. I had a moneybox, but I wouldn’t save money like other kids. I would collect small beads and shiny stones. Since my mother worked at the evening wear company, the amount of stones and beads that used to increase would being me. In short, my passion for this started at that age.

A: Do you follow jewelry trends? Or do you design it completely according to your taste?
L: Of course. I follow the jewelry trends and season fashion. But I prefer to make my own original designs rather than copy and paste. Sometimes I’m inspired by the fashion of that period sometimes. My designs generally reflect my mood, I am not stuck in a single style. I compete with myself to do more original and good work every time. One day, a brilliant necklace, one day I can design quite plain or bohemian. But in general I work with natural stones.
A: You said I prefer to work with natural stones. Well do you take special order? Do you make special purpose jewelery.
L: Of course I can produce products in accordonce with the special requests of my customers. For example, I recently prepared an angel-themed necklace for a mother, as a gift to her daughter, Melek. The most enjoyable thing in my job is to meet many people and witness their happiness that they use the jewelery. I also receive special orders to take advantage of natural stones. I use stones suitable for the orderer in these orders. Designing jewelry with natural stones gives ne peace of mind. I strongly believe that the stones attact negative energy and give people positive energy. I purify these products from negative energies by first using water, soil and sun and send them to their customers.

A: How would you describe your style and therefore the jewelry you made?
L: My choice is more casual and simple style jewelry. It is important for me to be remarkable and not to have anyone else. This is the feature of the jewelry I made. You can’t see it on another person’s neck or arm. Because every piece of jewelry is unique designs.
A: How will the jewelry trends be for you in the future?
L: I don’t know what style will be in the future. We usually see the same jewelry for everyone whatever fashion changes, my jewelry will always remain authentic. We are all unique and special. So we want to feel special. The best way to do this is to useorginal designs like ourselves.

A: What are your plans fort his business? What do you want to do?
L: This started as a hobby but the designs I made later were very liked by my friends and family. When special requests started to come. Then I started designing jewelry for other people. I even sold my designs at a booth for two summer seasons. My jewelry is very liked. What satisfies me most in this business is to make the person in front of me happy and to understand how beautiful and special she is. Reaching more people in the future.
A: Finally, for allthego followers you have something you want something you must to say?
L: I believe that every person has a unique beauty and structure. So I mean don’t be afraid to reveal your own style.