Vegan Athlete Interview – Ayşegül Övünç
Could you please introduce yourself?
My name is Ayşegül Övünç, I am 49 years old. I have a human son named Övünç, named Bella and Hazelnut. I have 2 catgirls. I am an Expert Biologist and Primary School teacher for 26 years. In İzmir Karşıyaka I live. Aim to enjoy life and what it has to look lovingly at I am a vegan non-stop person.
When did you start the sport you are interested in?
When I say the sport I am interested in, I can say that I am interested in many sports in different branches. It’s not wrong to say that my beginning of cross-licensed running time is in middle school and high school track and field team. Different types of sports include sailing, tennis, swimming, cycling was different periods of my life and I joined the Pan Mountaineering Club in 2016 in orienteering, trail running, swimming, cycling and last as triathlon has been included in my life.
What is your most important sporting success?
When it comes to the most important sporting success, I have always been more interested in sports than I was before. Although I see it as a success. To give a concrete example, from the moment I got involved in the orienteering competitions that brought me periodic age group degrees The rostrums, the 3rd place I received in the first Courtyard Triathlon competition, where I participated, Kyzikos Ultra In the marathon 22k, I can say my age group 3rd place.

When and Why did you become vegan?
The idea of eating an animal we loved even when I was a small child has given me the idea. It sounded very scary and even the chicken we feed in our garden was cut and eaten on our table.
I remember yelling at my beloved grandmother as a murderer when I learned about it.
Although this word I made afterwards saddened me very much, this act made to animals for me equivalent. To name my precise line on this subject that I am always sensitive to and I don’t know why I waited for November 2019 but the minor adjustments regarding nutrition. When I look at the past on this date, I understand that my soul has always been vegan.
Is there any other vegan athletes inspired by your transition to veganism?
There was no athlete I was inspired by in the transition to veganism. I hadn’t matched sports and vegan in my head Frankly, my point of view was to pair veganism with my life. However, since I do sports,
It is a pleasure to see the advantages of a vegan diet reflected in my sports life as you enter it was a donor. My Dear Itır Uz has a great influence on my gaining this point of view. As you know, she is a very valuable and successful vegan athlete.

Does veganism affect your performance? If so, how?
I cannot clearly say the effect of veganism on my performance. But the assay One thing is certain that the consequences are that even though I have been a vegetarian for a long time and Although I suffered from anaemia all my life, after being vegan, my anaemia problem is not left.
Are you using supplements?
I use B12 every 2-3 days.
Your favourite food/drink?
Almost anything that is vegetable types. Potato is my love, I want to include it in everything opportunity as you find. My passion is the coffee I make in a mocha pot. The amount and the workouts I’ve done I eat and drink whatever I like, except for cocoa. Because I have allergies of cocoa.
What are the easy and difficult aspects of vegan as an athlete?
Being vegan is life and way of looking at life is a loving choice and preferences are difficult for people. The only thing I find difficult is to give you unnecessary
to make suggestions that they think are rational. I say come on you can’t look vegan, don’t shadow the world at least and this situation comes and goes, you go on with your truth. This is the spiritual part of the job. As for the other part, I usually have my meals with me. It is not a problem for me because I carry it. I am hungry and even eating, they usually ask “how are you full?” I even offer those who say they are hungry.

What is the most frequently asked question about veganism? And what’s your answer?
Oh, what are you eating? I often hear the question because people eat meat, milk,
They think it consists of eggs etc. Many of the things you consume in daily life are vegan. I ask if you know it is on the menu and give examples. Surprise them I enjoy. Can suggest a resource you read or watch after / when you decide to go vegan are you I follow various vegan information and food websites a lot. It’s easy when you search for these sites you can find.
Have any of your friends or family lived a vegan life? When you decided, did you get a lot of reaction from your environment?
I had friends whom I knew vegan. My family’s approach is to worry about my health first, then there was a silence. For my dad to say whatever is the last one, let’s wait a while, maybe it will pass. I can not forget.
What is your target?
To continue every sport I do healthily and joyfully. To nature and living things enjoying life with minimal damage.
Finally, is there something you want to say/recommend to those who are considering going vegan?
Finally, I want to say that we are and we have many negative effects on living things. That planet we are on In a short period of 70 years on average, at least becoming an animal lover, not a pet lover, and to stop exploiting as much as we can, regardless of what happens and Aim to protect yourself. Go vegan.